Lá Gaeilge – Irish Language Immersion Day

Lá Gaeilge – Irish Language Immersion Day

Elms College, May 6th, 8:30-5pm

The annual “Lá Gaeilge,” Irish language immersion day will be held at Berchmans Hall, Elms College, Chicopee on Saturday, May 6, from 8:30-5pm. No previous familiarity with the Irish language is required. The cost per person is $50 and includes a break and lunch.

You can find a program for the event at this link: https://www.irishcenterwne.org/programs/la-na-gaeilge-irish-language-day/. For questions and to register, you can email irishcenterwne@gmail.com. You can find a flyer for the event at this link: /files/La_Gaeilge_2023.pdf.